Today as I was on my regular - code, build and test cycle, that suddenly there was a huge lump of error trace. It was so huge as to going to the exact origin was making my work take long. After every build thought I did a clear
, it hardly helped me because, it actually "seems" to clear the screen, but actually holds the previous output, so even after the clear
, scrolling up the screen will take us to the old terminal output (that I supposed to have cleared).
I wondered how I could actually clear off the entire terminal output, because after a cycle is complete, it hardly makes any sense to hold the previous output on my terminal buffer, rather it makes us more confused. After some googling, I got the solution - for the Mac (its the “⌘K” key combination). Wondering where I could get on this my Linux box, that I noticed the "Terminal -> Reset and Clear" option. Good it worked the way I wanted,.. but there was no shortcut key. Right away, I created one, and now I have the "Ctrk+K" combination clearing of the screen and its previous output buffer.